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My my Google, we have been busy!

Yesterday, I took a well deserved day off to catch up on some Christmas shopping. Presents acquired, I sat back on the sofa to catch up on the day’s digital developments. What a day to miss!

Google have been suspiciously quiet recently and at a talk at the Computer History Museum, they revealed what they’ve been up to.

For anyone else who spent the day emersed in tinsel, here’s a quick run down.

1. Google has gone real-time
This means real time search results will appear next to the standard serch results.

2. You can now search by location
Google knows where you live and will give you customised search results based on location. This now gets even more specific when you’re on your mobile.

3. Now you only need to take a photo
Google can analyse the photo, extract the text and give you tailored search results.

4. You can fire your translator
Soon, you will be able to speak in to your phone and Google will translate your voice in to your chosen language.

5. Google will walk your dog and do the washing up
Alright, maybe not. But it wouldn’t surprise me if this was their next announcement!

Written by sociauxanswers

December 8, 2009 at 8:26 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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