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Posts Tagged ‘boxcar

Not quite twittelating enough

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Oh how times change in the fast paced world of social media. Last year, after finally getting my hands on my, now much loved, iPhone, I wrote a post based on a thorough test of the iPhone Twitter apps on the market. Looking back on my posts for 2009 I found my handset now tells a different story.

The Twitter apps on offer have evolved dramatically in the past few months but to me there’s still no one stop shop that meets all our tweeting needs. For anyone feeling unfulfilled by their current app, I recommend a combination of three to fully quench your thirst for 140 characters.

My all time favourite has to be Twittelator Pro, for the ease and scope of posting. No other app I’ve found allows you to post images, video, audio, geo tagging and even emoticons in one tweet. There are other nifty functionalities which ease use such as the ability to reply all and save messages to tweet later. The app also supports Twitter lists – useful for those who follow big numbers but like to monitor a select few more closely.

It may be damn clever but Twittelator Pro is still missing a few elements, for which I use two other apps in tandem.

Hootsuite, my all time favourite Twitter app on the desktop offers the ability to schedule tweets in advance – a must have for those managing multiple accounts.

Boxcar completes the package with push notifications – it’s mindboggling that Twittelator Pro has not caught on to this.

So months later yet still no complete offering. The market may be awash with products but there could still be a gap for an app that truly understands the extent of a Twitter addicts needs.

Written by sociauxanswers

January 25, 2010 at 6:39 pm