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Posts Tagged ‘Digital Lounge

Another night, another anti social event

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Another morning after the night before the latest digital media event. This time the location was Soho and the celebration was the merger between Digital Marketing London and Digital Lounge – soon to be Digital Anti Social.

It’s hard for one event to stand out against another in the digital category. The standard formulae seems to be: network, speaker, network, speaker – all seasoned with a generous splash of wine.

So, what can an event organiser do to stand out and get noticed amoungst the croud?

One soulution is to get better speakers. Yesterday we were graced by the presence of a lovelly chap from Last FM. This was superb. He was clever, funny and there was even a music quiz – I didn’t win.

But what can one really learn from this?

Some of the best events I have attended have been the ones where I’ve heard something genuinely new from my peers. A big name is great but really we go for their knowledge and it can be disappointing when they don’t have something new to say.

There is one event in particular which goes some way to correct this. Measurement Camp, the brain child of Will McInnes, is purely based around the exchange of knowledge. There are brief speakers but they are forbidden to give sales pitches and have to prove they’re bringing something new to the table. The remainder of the session is spent brainstorming in smaller groups.

Measurement Camp is useful. What we all need to remember is digital media is still a new sphere. How can one person become an expert on something so new? A collaboration of ideas is what is truely needed to survive.

I hope to see you all for the next installment of Measurement Camp later today.

Written by sociauxanswers

December 9, 2009 at 6:47 am